Photos from Terry Gate

Chris Highton and Terry Gate

LEFT: Chris and Carol Highton with Terry Gate in Studio 1
RIGHT: Alan Green and Chris Highton

LEFT: Chris and Carol Highton with Ken Read and John Stone in the rest room
RIGHT: Carol

Jim Dinan, Mike Green and Carol Highton

Gary Cousins

The following were all taken at the same Radio Hillingdon Fete.

I think this is a great photo.
Carol Highton having trouble with Terry Gate at a Radio Hillingdon Fete

Radio Hillingdon Stall - Paul Bradley (balloons), John May and Brian Richardson (facing stall)

LEFT: Christine and David Brown with John May at the PA tent.
RIGHT: At the time of the photo, this was Terry Gate's family to be. Edna, Kevin and Michelle in the Radio Hillingdon tea shirt. Terry married Edna and they now live in Scotland.